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JAN 04, 24

Bitcoin is the Future of Investing: Gary Cardone Interview

In this episode of The TRU Money Show, join Robert as he engages in conversation with Gary Cardone of Cardone Digital Ventures.

They dive deep into the history of energy markets, how big players are stepping into this space in a massive way, and how the future of investing has changed because of Bitcoin.

JAN 17, 24

The Future of Bitcoin Trading Algos: Sean Kelly Interviews Robert J Miller, on the Digital Social Hour

In this episode of The TRU Money Show, Sean Kelly hosts and engages in a conversation with Robert J Miller the founder of TRU Capital

In this segment they talk about the power of algorithmic trading and how Robert looks at risk in the crypto market.

JAN 24, 24

Should You Invest into Bitcoin? Joseph Ortega Interviews Robert J Miller

In this episode of the TRU Money Show, Joseph Ortega of the Trailblazers Podcast interviews Robert Miller the founder of Trade with Spot and TRU Capital.

In this segment, Robert goes over why he believes Bitcoin should be in everyones portfolio, the best ways to get into crypto, and how Robert looks at the changes happening in the crypto market.

FEB 21, 24

Why Would You Choose Bitcoin Over Other Assets?

In this episode of the TRU Money Show,  we jump right into to world of crypto! Brad Weimart Interviews Robert J Miller the founder of TRU Capital, on the Beyond a Million Podcast to gain his perspective on how he sees Bitcoin changing the world!

In this segment, Robert goes over why he believes Bitcoin is an asset that everyone should have investment exposure to for outsized returns and to help preserve your buying power!